It was such a New York day!
Crisp morning walk to MOMA with my friend Mariano Ros. Checking out Picasso's masterpieces. And the Kandinskys, the Pollocks, the Magrittes, the Van Goghs, the Matisses...All so close to us --and so easy to enjoy. The Women of Avignon is always striking but Picasso's Woman in the Mirror is my favorite This time we also saw Monet's Waterlillies, now all together in a big room. They are so beautiful! And the gorgeous Frida Kahlo with a mirror next to it. I could go on and on...
And then, we sat for a while outside -the weather was so mild today! --in the Sculptures Patio, close to Picasso's ugly goat and real skinny Giacometti. And I must also add the thrill of finding new paintings that have been recently added to the museum!
I also enjoyed seeing how a very polite museum employee kicked out 2 adult young women (tourists from whereeee?) who had sat down in the middle of the museum's marble lobby floor --and had proceeded to open bags and eat a huge Subway sandwich with cans of Coke --like they could have a picnic right then and there! (People who could not believe their eyes were taking pictures of them!) can a sane human being do something that crazy and absurd?
What a day!...It is so wonderful to have all these things around us. Advantages of living in a big city. This is why I walk to MOMA often, since is so close to my house, and just 'pop in' to see, again and again, so many by now familiar masterpieces...An exercise that expands my spirit.
Only in New York!