2013 started and my "To Do" list is growing. There are so many things to do! It's overwhelming.
This sucession of people, places and things line-up and many times repeat itself, making me want to do something radically different. Take a dare step. Taste new experiencies.
Maybe I should go to India? Or to China? Or to one of those boutique hotels in Bhutan smack in the heart of the Himalayas? Or maybe I should accept those many yearly invitations to tour vodka productions fields in Holland, or vineyards in France -although I dont drink and wonder how I could cope with this fact when I will be given spirits and wine tastings every second! As you can see, the choices are many and quite different.
Of course, I do lead a very exciting life -due to my labor as a journalist- and I love it. But sometimes I wish I was one of those totally relaxed and sort-of-lazy Matisse 'odalisques', lounging around in loose clothes in exquisite rooms filled with amazing printed cloths, flowers and a divine 'laissez faire' ambiance. My image of the perfect solitude!
The truth is that by nature I am not ambitious at all and have a penchant for lazyness and a life of contemplation and wonderful solitude. But "la lucha por la vida" (the fight for Life- as my father always called our daily need to work and earn a decent living) when I was barely 19 years old forced me to become strong, hard working, respectful of my peers and slightly ambitious. And living in a big city -Havana, Mexico City and New York- boost my energy and helped overcome my tendency for becoming that divine odalisque.
This is why when I go to Miami -as I just did- the ocean, the beautiful blue skies and the palm trees become one more like the Crystal Slipper of Cinderella. But the one the stepsisters wanted to fit and tried and tried ---to no avail. A friend of mine said this to me -and I have taken this comparison like my own. And the image of 'paradise' I see all around me when I drive over to Key Biscayne and Miami surrounds me with its skyline, sailboats, yachs and gorgeous views -become that Crystal Slipper I want so much to 'fit' ---but it will never be part of my daily life. What a shame that 'paradise' will never be mine -- since I need New York's bustle, wild energy and crazy changes of weather!
But -at least now, when the year is young and we are still in the planning stages- I hope I will do some 'new' adventureous things. They are much needed for sure.